“Oh, sorry, I thought you said you were taking care of that?”
“I didn’t receive that email, sorry I didn’t know about the meeting!”
“But I thought we had agreed Wednesday?”
These are just some examples of infuriating declarations that we hear regularly and have, ourselves, uttered on occasion!
Whether it is technical issues, personality clashes, misunderstandings or, heaven forbid, one ‘overzealous’ PA, breakdowns in communication can scupper the best laid plans of mice, men and your business.
Whilst the problems caused can, on the surface, be remedied easily (the meeting can be rearranged, the email can be sent, deadlines can, sometimes, be amended) the repercussion of lines of communication breaking down is that there is a commensurate breakdown of trust.
We asked some of our clients how they overcome these situations before they spread like a virus, before they begin to affect the team’s moral and service delivery standards begin to drop
We at Front Recruitment want to share with you the experience and knowledge in overcoming situations so that you’ll be able to see off new problems and stop them before they escalate.
Many of our clients have open evenings, where they invite the PAs down to a short drinks evening with the receptionists, whenever there is a new starter. Simple, direct, social functions allow your teams to meet each other and, having met, even once, face to face with them, it is easier to maintain a positive working relationship with each other.
Our clients often complain of employees, colleagues and contractors who send emails with never having had any verbal contact, and worse, those who send email after email without any physical or verbal follow up. Next time, before you send that crucial email, perhaps think of making contact with the recipient, in person if possible, or, at the very least, over the phone. Even if it is just to say “Hi, I’m sending you through an email right now, I would really appreciate your thoughts” actual contact with those involved humanises them, and you – it is harder to ignore something if there is an identity behind it so communication serves its very purpose!
The golden rule then, remember that behind every screen is an individual person who wants to be spoken to as such.
The links below are problems from receptionists, some very typical of common issues throughout the hospitality sector:
The PAs are so rude to the reception team!
One of my team is in a relationship with the CEO!
Colleague who is making my life hell!
And have a look at our Tips and Tricks, How to improve your reception!
If you are looking for a receptionist job or FOH Management vacancy see our listings here… Receptionist Wanted!
Everything you need to know about being a fantastic receptionist you will find in our Receptionist Guide Book
…..and if you think you have what it takes to be a first class Receptionist, or Reception Manager have a look at our Jobs….